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LRCHC’s administration is composed of the Executive Director, Operations Manager/staff, Finance staff, and Human Resources.


The Executive Director is responsible for the overall management and performance of our two health centers. The ED is responsible to lead the organization in developing a vision for the future and translate that vision in to action; Continuously improve and strengthen LRCHC’s organizational capacities and responsibilities – its systems, human resources, and business processes – as it continues to deliver quality care to a diverse and growing patient population; Works in concert with the Health Board and senior leadership team to ensure the administrative and financial integrity of the organization; Serve as LRCHC’s ambassador; Works effectively and in partnership with the Health Board of Directors to strengthen LRCHC’s position for the future; develops organizational capacity and capabilities, fosters organizational growth, and ensure quality services and financial sustainability. The ED will ensure that both health care facilities operate efficiently to provide quality primary health care to patients. Direct oversight of the Operations Manager, Medical Director, Behavioral Health Manager, Chief Financial Officer, Dental Director, and the Pharmacy Director.




The Operations Manager is responsible for the oversite of the following programs: IT program; Human Resources, Health Information Manager, Medical Records, Receptionists, Facilities, and the Keller Office Manager. The Operations Manager maintains all operational policies, procedures, general clinic operations, and provide guidance and interpretation to staff. Provides conflict resolution, employee and patient complaint investigation and provide appropriate action for operations personnel. Is responsible for provider and patient scheduling to ensure maximum patient access and satisfaction, achievement of productivity goals and financial viability. Participates in quality improvement processes and implements, evaluates, and maintains Quality Improvement activities for the medical site. Responsible for the oversight of the Facility safety staff to ensures a clean, safe, and compliant work environment according to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations including TOSHA, WISHA, HIPAA and the ADA.

Diana White-Messing.JPG

Diana White-Messing

Executive Director

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Bridget Desautel

Operations Manager

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Lead Accountant
Currently Vacant


Merna Seymour
Accounting Technician


Currently Vacant


Tracy Ferrell

Human Resources Manager



Monday, Wednesday & Friday

7:30am – 4:00 pm

Tel (509)722-7006

Toll Free 1-888-881-7684

Fax (509)722-7635

June Evans
Credentialing OA

Keller Clinic

8am-4 M-F (closed 12-1)

10am-4 Wednesdays

11665 South Hwy 21
Keller, WA 99140
Tel (509)634-7300

Dental (509) 634-7320 
Toll free 1-888-881-7684
Fax (509)634-7301


Inchelium Clinic

8am-4 M-F (closed 12-1)

10am-4 Wednesdays

39 Shortcut Road 
Inchelium WA, 99138
Tel (509)722-7006

Dental (509)722-7013
Toll Free 1-888-881-7684
Fax (509)722-3652

Inchelium Clinic  (509)722-7006 Keller Clinic (509)634-7300

© 2023 Lake Roosevelt Community Health Centers

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