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The Corporation was established by the Colville Tribes’ Law and Order Code, 11-01. The Board’s responsibilities govern the activities, committees, affairs, and property of the Corporation.



The Board of Directors is composed of community members who are residents of the Inchelium or Keller reservation districts. Currently the Board consists of seven members, four from Inchelium and three from Keller. Everyone serves a term of four years and holds monthly meetings.



The Board is responsible for hiring/firing the Executive Director and is responsible for the Corporation’s policies but is not responsible for the day-to-day operations. The Board has the authority and responsibility for establishing the policy for administration for the Corporation in accordance with the guidelines outlined within section 3.02 of the Code.

Kathy Picard


Worked for 30 years for the State of Washington in Child Welfare, and worked as the Colville Tribes’ Social Service Program Manager, where she was promoted to and is now retired as the Healthcare Operations Director for Health and Human Services.  Kathy is a Colville Tribal member and has served on community boards which have included the Inchelium School Diversion member, the Language House Board of Directors.

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Diane Tonasket


Diane is a resident of Keller, WA.  She retired from a career of teaching elementary students in Keller and Nespelem.  She has been involved in JOM, Head of Gate at Keller Junior Rodeo for 20 plus years, in charge of Halloween Carnival for 15 plus years, currently is a Master Gardener and 4-H Exhibit Barn Superintendent at Ferry County Fair and has served on the Health Board for 16 years.

Mae Stensgar


Mae is enrolled in the Navajo Tribe, and has served with the Health Board for 12 years. Is married to a Colville Tribal member, had two children and six grandchildren. 

Work experiences: EMT with CCT, CCT Head Start Program, and currently working with CCT TANF as Social Worker. Has served on various committees within the tribe and community.

Past time Bowler, golfer and enjoys watching high school basketball. 



Gary Kohler
Jasin Wellons
Diane Tonasket
Mae Stensgar
Kathy Desautel
Juanita Warren
Kathy Picard

Juanita Warren​


Juanita’s work career includes Inchelium School Head Cook, Maintenance Supervisor, Sub Teacher at Inchelium School District, she has served on the Colville Business Council and is retired as Inchelium Community Center Director.  Juanita is very community oriented and has served or is serving on many committees, Inchelium Days, Women’s Day recognition, NADP Board, Earth Day committee, Water Board, 4-H Leader, Ferry County Fair Board, Elder’s Board, St Michael’s Board, Women of Distinction Honors, Community Volunteer.

Jasin Wellons​


Jasin resides in Keller, WA.  He has worked for the Keller District Ferry County Roads for 40 years, currently as the Shop Foreman.  Jasin has demonstrated his community involvement and commitment these past 40 years by the various capacities and groups where he has dedicated his time and efforts for the Keller Rodeo Club,  as a Keller Community Center events volunteer, assisting with youth activities, he was a School Board member, and has served on the LRCHC Board of Directors for 9 years. 

Diana K. Desautel


Kathy has worked with the Colville Tribes for 55 years, in accounting and management positions.  Her vast experience includes position titles of Accountant, Accounts Payable Clerk, Data Operator, File Clerk, Contracting Officer, Construction Accountant, Manager of Rainbow Beach Resort, Barney’s C. store.  Her last years served as the Grants/Contract Manager for LRCHC.


Kathy has been very community oriented whether Coaching for Community little league teams to High School Basketball or Softball.  She has followed the school activities watching her granddaughters sporting events up to College Softball.


She served on the Inchelium School Board for 23 years.  She is active with the Catholic Church and activities including Cursillo and the Church Council.


Kathy served on the LRCHC Board for two years before becoming employed by LRCHC.  She retired from full-time employment and is now actively serving on the LRCHC Board of Directors. 

Gary Kohler


Gary was a local farmer, who also served as a Ferry County Commissioner for 12 years.  He has served many on community boards including the Inchelium Service Station.  He is the Chairman of the LRCHC Board, and has served for the last 9 years.

Keller Clinic

8am-4 M-F (closed 12-1)

10am-4 Wednesdays

11665 South Hwy 21
Keller, WA 99140
Tel (509)634-7300

Dental (509) 634-7320 
Toll free 1-888-881-7684
Fax (509)634-7301


Inchelium Clinic

8am-4 M-F (closed 12-1)

10am-4 Wednesdays

39 Shortcut Road 
Inchelium WA, 99138
Tel (509)722-7006

Dental (509)722-7013
Toll Free 1-888-881-7684
Fax (509)722-3652

Inchelium Clinic  (509)722-7006 Keller Clinic (509)634-7300

© 2023 Lake Roosevelt Community Health Centers

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