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Pharmacy prepares and dispenses prescription medications and over the counter medications. The pharmacist(s) ensure medications and doses are correct, prevent harmful drug interactions, and counsel patients on the safe and appropriate use of their medications and potential side effects. Pharmacists use their medication expertise to treat patients, collaborate with other health care professionals, and promote public health. The pharmacist(s) work in collaboration with the medical team to improve diabetic treatment plans, administer vaccinations, and provide limited clinical services when the medical team needs an extra hand. Pharmacy also offers Narcan® inhalers, free of charge, to aid in the reduction of opioid over doses.

Filling of prescriptions:

Our pharmacy only fills prescriptions written by LRCHC providers or a contracted provider to which you have been referred by a LRCHC provider, with the exception of narcotics. No narcotics prescriptions will be filled by any outside provider unless it is resulting from a surgery that you were referred to. If a patient presents an outside prescription, they will have the option of being seen by a LRCHC provider and obtaining a prescription from our formulary at the next available appointment.



1. Stat orders by LRCHC providers will be considered top priority and will be filled first.

2. Patients seen at LRCHC at the time the prescription was written will be deemed emergent and will be filled second.

3. Refills and prescriptions written by outside providers will be filled on a first come first serve basis after the above preferences are made and will be completed for pick up by the next business day.

4. Refill requests sent by the pharmacy to an LRCHC provider will require an extra business day to complete.

Picking up of prescriptions:

To ensure proper prescriptions are dispensed to the proper patient you may be asked to provide identification which may include a tribal ID, Social Security Card, or a driver’s license. No prescriptions shall be dispensed to any person less than 12 years old without a parent or guardian.

Controlled substances will not be dispensed to patients under the age of 18 years without a parent or guardian present.
If you are having someone else pick up your prescription, please contact the pharmacy by phone or send a hand written note with the person picking up your prescription. Make this person aware that they may have to show proper identification if asked.

Lost or stolen prescriptions:

LRCHC will not replace lost or stolen prescriptions. You will have the option of purchasing your prescriptions again, with the exception of controlled substances. LRCHC will not replace controlled substances for any reason.


Monday-Friday 7:30A.M.-4:00P.M. 

Wednesday 10:00A.M.-4:00P.M.

Lunch 12:30P.M.-1:00P.M

Inchelium Tel: (509)722-7007

Inchelium Fax: (509)722-76323

Keller Tel: (509)634-7306

Keller Fax: (509)634 7301

Kim Rosenthal.jpg

Kimberly Rosenthal
Pharmacy Director

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Steffie Signor.jpg
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Eli Yarwood
Staff Pharmacist

Jake Linton
Pharmacy Technician

Steffie Signor
Pharmacy Technician

Maritsa Martinez-Matt
Pharmacy Technician

Keller Clinic

8am-4 M-F (closed 12-1)

10am-4 Wednesdays

11665 South Hwy 21
Keller, WA 99140
Tel (509)634-7300

Dental (509) 634-7320 
Toll free 1-888-881-7684
Fax (509)634-7301


Inchelium Clinic

8am-4 M-F (closed 12-1)

10am-4 Wednesdays

39 Shortcut Road 
Inchelium WA, 99138
Tel (509)722-7006

Dental (509)722-7013
Toll Free 1-888-881-7684
Fax (509)722-3652

Inchelium Clinic  (509)722-7006 Keller Clinic (509)634-7300

© 2023 Lake Roosevelt Community Health Centers

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